Ricardo Monge | Mixed Media Artist
Ricardo Monge is a Mixed Media Artist working with the mediums he loves…painting, photography, printmaking, video and graphic design. Monge was born in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, where he graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts (BFA) from the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras. After completion, he got accepted to Pratt Institute in New York to complete his Master’s Degree program in Fine Arts (MFA), majoring in printmaking and multimedia (graphic design, photography & video).
After completing his MFA, he was eager to change surroundings and gain professional experience as an artist and graphic designer. He enrolled in an international program where he was able to gain experience while living a new culture. He decided to move London, travel Europe and experience the richness of different cultures evoking his Latin Heritage. In addition, he participated in multiple artist residencies in Skopelos, Greece
Ricardo is the founder of MongeArt.com and he currently works as Art Director and in-house artist for Casa Santi LLC. His projects expand beyond the fine art world and include Teatro Grattacielo, Battery Park Authority, NYC.gov, IBTCI, US Aid, Columbus Citizens Foundation, IDEAglobal and others. He has also participated as artist and artistic sponsor for institutions and organizations, such as Isabela International Film Festival, Bailey House Gala & Auction, The Kaleidoscope Project, IFDA NY Chapter, George to the Rescue - NBC Studios, Las Vegas Market, Mike Ruiz - Post Magazine, Hearts Awards, Intercontinental Montreal, The Cornell Inn, RuPaul Dragcon, Venice International Art Fair, Open House NYC, Holiday House 10 Year Anniversary, Junior League High Point Designers Showhouse, Skopelos Foundation for the Arts, NY Public Library, Museo de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Galeria Oller and Arsenal de la Puntilla among others.
In April 2022, Monge was selected as one of the artists for The Flag Project 2022 at the Rockefeller Center as part of the "ONLY ONE EARTH" exhibition. The Rockefeller Center collaborated with the UN Environment Programme and The Climate Museum for the 3rd Annual Flag Project, turning the submitted art into one-of-a-kind eco-friendly flags and displayed on one of the 193 flagpoles surrounding Rockefeller Plaza through the month of April. His artwork is also the face and art promo for the productions of Guilietta & Romeo and Don Giovanni, by Teatro Grattacielo. He also created the official logo for Isabela International Film Festival and Friends of Cinema Puerto Rico.
In 2023 Monge designed the billboard for MyFace Celebrates, which was held at The Edison Ballroom in NYC. He also designed the campaigns for Teatro Grattacielo's and Camerata Bardi Operas Carmen, The 10 Faces on Maria Callas and La Vestale, presented in New York City, Mexico and Greece.​
In 2024, Ricardo was selected as one of the artists to be part of The Kaleidoscope Projects Exhibit at the Iconic Bergdorf Goodman 7th Floor Gallery Area in New York City. The exhibition was on display from Spring/Summer 2024. In addition, he was selected to create the promo artwork for Teatro Grattacielo's 2025 Opera Season, including The Tin Angel, The Marriage of Figaro and Amico Fritz.

Monge is represented by Casa Santi Interior Designs, where I also have the honor of work as an Art Director.
MFA: Masters in Fine Arts
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
(Printmaking/Film/Computer Graphics)
BFA: Bachelor's in Humanities/Concentration in Fine Arts
University of Puerto Rico
(Humanities/Fine Arts)
Skopelos Foundation for the Arts, Skopelos, Greece
Rapid Science Publishings, London, UK
(Desktop Publishing)
The PrintMaking Workshop, New York, NY
(PhotoEtching Assistant)